Oakland Tribune endorses Rebecca Kaplan.
I like her, too. She is well spoken, experienced, has knowledge about the issues and great ideas!
I have yet to go to a meet and greet with her. I haven’t found one that is free. It’s understandable, a candidate needs to raise money and I am just not in that tax bracket yet.
However, she seems really approachable and I bet if I wanted to flag her down on the street and ask her a question she wouldn’t spray me with mace.
The Tribune goes into great detail about her plans for the city so I won’t do so here. However, I liked what she had to say in general about making Oakland more marketable.
During the Mayoral Forum at the Kaiser Center, when asked what she would do to attract more jobs, in addition to listing her concrete ideas, she commented that the general public feels that Oakland is to San Francisco what New Jersey is to New York..and that we need a mayor who is willing to talk up Oakland! We have the best food, best weather, and the best people…(WORD)
During the Oakland Cultural and Trust Forum on October 7th, she stated that she would work to get more films being produced in our city. She stated that we are in a great location, with great scenery, a variety of people and all the extra’s you could want! (side-eye to Larry Lionel Young, Jr – you had to be there)
I love that she has great pride in our city and is actually willing to REPRESENT our city to the fullest. I am personally sick of Oakland being California’s red-headed step child. There is more to our city than the high crime rate. I am looking for a mayor who will not only work on fixing it’s problems but will highlight what is GOOD about our hood!
She doesn’t get my “official” endorsement just yet, but with Ranked-Choice Voting, she is definitely in my top three.
So if you haven’t yet..read what the Tribune has to say about Rebecca Kaplan. Read the comments, too. They are very informative.
Finally, if you get a chance, attend the Oakland Mayor Forums! Visit Rebecca’s website look under “Events” for dates and times.
ps..no t-shirt from her either. However if she wins, I might send her a I Hella [Heart] Oakland t-shirt. Do you think she would wear it?