No not that Stephen King who gives me the willies. I can’t fool with him. I’m talking about another writer with a great sense of humor, Ulysses Stephen King II, Pastor of Memorial Tabernacle Church in North Oakland California. July 23, 2011, Pastor Stephen King turned __ years old, and this is my special ode to him.
A little background to put this post into context. I don’t feel like I truly was a believer in Jesus Christ until I came to Memorial Tabernacle. My mother did her duty and raised us in Church as much as she could since we moved around a lot. She swears up and down that I enjoyed attending church in Portland when I was young, but I don’t remember it. When I was a teen, attending church wasn’t enforced (and yes we are supposed to make that decision at 12 to continue), but I didn’t. When I was in college, I didn’t go to church. I didn’t feel it was necessary. I knew God was out there and he was watching over me. He knew my heart.

However, I was encouraged by an ex to start attending Memorial Tabernacle, and slowly but surely it became my church home. It was a long process. I used to sit in the back. I would arrive late and leave early. And apparently I wrote on a comment card that I could teach Pastor King a few things about The Bible. (I refuse to remember this.)
Anyway, the small family atmosphere of the church and the leadership of Pastor Stephen King has kept me a member for over 8 years.
Why do I like my Pastor so much? I have a list! Peep this..
1. He’s just a man who loves to serve God.
If you check out our church website. you might search for a bio for Pastor King. You won’t find one. On the postcards we pass out, there isn’t a picture of Pastor King. He doesn’t have entourage. He doesn’t have a huge house, or expensive car. He doesn’t boast about himself, attend events promoting himself, or make anything involving the church or representing the church, about him. He is our shepherd and makes it his business to teach and preach the word of God. That’s it. The only thing he asks of us members is to bring more members, so that he can bring more people to Christ.
2. He is spiritually led.
He is a Bible scholar. Every sermon, Bible study, church meeting, choir practice, prayer is led by the Holy Spirit. If I ask him a question involving Christianity, he’s probably prayed over it and studied the Word, before giving me an answer. Ask him for advice, it will probably be from God. Sometimes you will hear something you don’t want to hear..but sometimes, God will tell you something you don’t want to hear. Pastor King is His messenger. Don’t be confused, now!
3. He’s approachable.
Are you your Pastor’s Facebook friend (1 of 80, not 8,000)? Can you send him a text message and he will answer you back? (Do you even know your Pastor’s cell phone number?). Can you go to the movies with your Pastor? Do you share books from his library? (I still have one of your books, Pastor..I think..) Do you feel comfortable sharing whatever is on your heart with your Pastor? I DO!!
4. He supports my efforts.
I coordinate the Health Ministry Program at Memorial Tabernacle. When I heard of an opportunity to get grant funding for a program to encourage healthy eating and physical activity within the church and asked my Pastor if I could apply for it, he didn’t blink an eye. When the program asks that he preach about health topics on the pulpit and participate in Health events, he happily cooperated.
I am in no way shape or form a model Christian, however I am a visible member of the church because he lets me serve in a way that fits my own personal gifts and the needs of the church. He supports my efforts to grow in Christ, along with everyone else who is a member.

5. He’s funny ..and has a sense of Humor.
The man is hilarious and appreciates good humor.
How can you not like a man who enjoys The Boondocks?
I’d continue..but I gotta get ready for church!! Memorial Tabernacle Church : Morning Worship Services, every Sunday 10:30 am. You should come by and check this awesome man of God out!
I should probably include a bible passage in here (Yes, I am a work in progress). Below is an excerpt from a letter from Paul to a church in Colossae. I am sure Pastor King feels this in his heart for members at Memorial Tabernacle. Well here is my prayer for you Pastor King. Especially in bold. 🙂 Happy Birthday!!
Colossians: 9-12
9 For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives,[e] 10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, 12 and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.
Share with me friends! What do you appreciate about your Pastor and/or church? Even if you don’t go to church, what helps you to feel spiritual?
One response to “Happy Birthday to Stephen King”
This is awesome, Tonya! I agree on all 5!!!! 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5! So geniune and loving! We have to make sure we print this for Pastor’s scrapbook! Smooches…