Oakland Mystery: who is doing this?
TO THE PEOPLE OF OAKLAND: we have a guardian angel!! Do you know who is putting up these wonderful posters reminding us how awesome Oakland is? SHARE! I want to help. 🙂
Parents fight to keep kids healthy.. AWESOME!
At last nights First 5 Regional Parent Meeting I was inspired by the earnestness, dedication and energy of the parents working to make a difference. I wanted to bottle it up and take it with me!
145/90 ..Ouch!! Adventures in Hypertension.
The number scared me. I need to be scared..and to stay scared. Fear is a great motivator.
McDonald’s Makes Happy Meals More Healthy!
The Happy Meal is headed for a nutrition overhaul. Bowing to pressure that its kids’ meals haven’t been healthful enough, McDonald’s will downsize french fries and put a fresh fruit or veggie in every Happy Meal. Apple slices have long been an option with the Happy Meal. But the problem has been that parents have…
It takes a village..but the village needs encouragement.
Mayor Jean Quan says: “..In this time of budget cuts at all levels which are tearing the safety net apart, we must engage citizens in every community to join us in providing basic services and help for all neighborhoods.” I agree!
I have a problem with being misled.
I am too easily swayed by commercials. Most importantly, I don’t appreciate being lured into unhealthy eating on purpose.
An honest critique of Obama Administration: Shirley Sherrod.
Should Obama be directly responsible for racial injustices that happen in his administration?
To vote or not to vote..the fallout from Lupe Fiasco’s words.
How do you tell someone they are wrong when their opinion is pretty much correct?