Should #OccupyOakland Campers Stay? I don’t know.
I support the Occupy Movement. However, my attendance to the Oakland City Council Meeting Oct. 25th left me with mixed feelings on whether or not Occupy Oakland should continue to stay in downtown Oakland.
Oakland Gems..revisited and newly discovered.
An Oakland Gem revisited..and a new one to discover. Check it out! 🙂
Oakland Mystery: who is doing this?
TO THE PEOPLE OF OAKLAND: we have a guardian angel!! Do you know who is putting up these wonderful posters reminding us how awesome Oakland is? SHARE! I want to help. 🙂
It takes a village..but the village needs encouragement.
Mayor Jean Quan says: “..In this time of budget cuts at all levels which are tearing the safety net apart, we must engage citizens in every community to join us in providing basic services and help for all neighborhoods.” I agree!
I have a problem with being misled.
I am too easily swayed by commercials. Most importantly, I don’t appreciate being lured into unhealthy eating on purpose.
“Summer…Summer..Summer TIME!”
Go outside! Stay outside until the street lights come on. Don’t come in unless you have to pee! 😉
Library supporters pack Council budget meeting | A Better Oakland
VSmoothe goes into deep detail about the impact of library closures. She also has video of Oakland residents who testify on behalf of saving Oakland Libraries. — The two hours of public comment at last night’s budget meeting was dominated by library supporters, testifying about the importance of libraries in Oakland and protesting the possibility…