Sean is for Oakland, small business and local artists.
Sean Sullivan holds an informational gathering while supporting a small Oakland business, Inkwell Studio, artists and an event for black nurses. Read all about it!
When “*hit people say..” is more than just funny.
It’s the era of honesty! We have now come to a place where it’s possible to call folks out for their questionable behavior and laugh at it.
It’s official. Sandre Swanson will run for State Senate, for District 9
A friend suggested that I get to know Swanson and chronicle my learnings on this here blog. I signed up on Facebook, put myself on the Swanson email list and learned that he was co- sponsoring a food drive at Everett and Jones that was held last week. Food drive, free bbq..I was soo down!
Should #OccupyOakland Campers Stay? I don’t know.
I support the Occupy Movement. However, my attendance to the Oakland City Council Meeting Oct. 25th left me with mixed feelings on whether or not Occupy Oakland should continue to stay in downtown Oakland.
It takes a village..but the village needs encouragement.
Mayor Jean Quan says: “..In this time of budget cuts at all levels which are tearing the safety net apart, we must engage citizens in every community to join us in providing basic services and help for all neighborhoods.” I agree!
An honest critique of Obama Administration: Shirley Sherrod.
Should Obama be directly responsible for racial injustices that happen in his administration?
To vote or not to vote..the fallout from Lupe Fiasco’s words.
How do you tell someone they are wrong when their opinion is pretty much correct?