I have a problem with being misled.
I am too easily swayed by commercials. Most importantly, I don’t appreciate being lured into unhealthy eating on purpose.
“Summer…Summer..Summer TIME!”
Go outside! Stay outside until the street lights come on. Don’t come in unless you have to pee!
An honest critique of Obama Administration: Shirley Sherrod.
Should Obama be directly responsible for racial injustices that happen in his administration?
To vote or not to vote..the fallout from Lupe Fiasco’s words.
How do you tell someone they are wrong when their opinion is pretty much correct?
My Memorial Day- Remembering Medgar Evers
He not only fought for the civil rights of African Americans, but he served his country and fought for the rights of Americans and people all over the world. Only to be shown the ultimate sign of disrespect by being shot in the back in front of his family in his own front yard. He…
Library supporters pack Council budget meeting | A Better Oakland
VSmoothe goes into deep detail about the impact of library closures. She also has video of Oakland residents who testify on behalf of saving Oakland Libraries. — The two hours of public comment at last night’s budget meeting was dominated by library supporters, testifying about the importance of libraries in Oakland and protesting the possibility…
Community photo of the week: A photo of Mayor Quan taking a photo – Oakland North : North Oakland News, Food, Art and Events
Oakland North, chose my photo of Mayor Jean Quan as the “Community Photo of the Week”! I’m so honored.
Community photo of the week: A photo of Mayor Quan taking a photo – Oakland North : North Oakland News, Food, Art and Events.
Oakland’s Proposed Budget: not as simple as A, B, C
Miss the first Community Budget Forum discussing the Oakland City Budget? Get the low-down on the three budget scenarios and weigh in on what you think the city council should do to balance the budget!
Cornel West vs Obama? Black People! Complaining is not enough.
Are we helping Obama by calling, writing, and harassing our elected representatives and putting pressure on them.. No we weren’t, but I can guarantee you the Tea Party has their folks on speed dial!
Donald Trump to skip 2012 presidential race – USATODAY.com
This is not surprising, but sad news. I was highly looking forward to Obama kicking his tail for the election!! Cest la vie In tribute I give you a replay of Seth Meyer’s trouncing of Donald Trump at the White House Correspondents Dinner. Trump says he will continue to voice his opinions. Let’s hope this…